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Getting configuration to connect to OMOP-CDM

Function fg_get_cdm_config provides all the information needed to use one of the OMOP-CDM in FinnGen. You only need to specify the sandbox number, and the dataFreeze you want to use.

  • environment: You can find your sandbox number by looking at the url in your browser when connected to sandbox.

  • dataFreezeNumber: At the time of writing dataFreeze can be 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, dataFreeze.
  • cohortTableName: Tipycally, Hades tools need a table where to generate the cohorts. This is the name for that table. Notice that this table is created in a BQ schema that is shared with other users in your organisation. This table may be overwrite by others. We recomend that you include your name in the table.
 config <- FinnGenUtilsR::fg_get_cdm_config(
   environment = "sandbox-6",
   dataFreezeNumber = 11,
   cohortTableName = "javier_test_cohort_table"

By default fg_get_cdm_config provides a list, but we can also plot this in yalm format to evaluate it better

   environment = "sandbox-6",
   dataFreezeNumber = 11,
   cohortTableName = "javier_test_cohort_table",
   asYaml = TRUE
 ) |> cat()
#> Set option sqlRenderTempEmulationSchema = 'fg-production-sandbox-6.sandbox'
#>         databaseName: FinnGen-DF11
#>         connection:
#>           connectionDetailsSettings:
#>             dbms: bigquery
#>             user: ""
#>             password: ""
#>             connectionString: jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=fg-production-sandbox-6;OAuthType=3;Timeout=10000;
#>             pathToDriver: /home/ivm/.jdbc_drivers/bigquery
#>           tempEmulationSchema: fg-production-sandbox-6.sandbox #needed for creating tmp table in BigQuery
#>           useBigrqueryUpload: true # option for HadesExtras
#>         cdm:
#>           cdmDatabaseSchema: finngen-production-library.finngen_omop_r11
#>           vocabularyDatabaseSchema: finngen-production-library.finngen_omop_r11
#>         cohortTable:
#>           cohortDatabaseSchema: fg-production-sandbox-6.sandbox
#>           cohortTableName: javier_test_cohort_table
#>         webAPIurl:

Example using config to execute a Cohort Diagnostics analysis

Using this settings we can run an analysis similar to the example in Cohort Diagnostics package

Configuring the connection to the server

connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(
  dbms = config$connection$connectionDetailsSettings$dbms,
  connectionString = config$connection$connectionDetailsSettings$connectionString,
  user = config$connection$connectionDetailsSettings$user,
  password = config$connection$connectionDetailsSettings$password,
  pathToDriver = config$connection$connectionDetailsSettings$pathToDriver

# needed for creating tmp tables in BigQuery
options(sqlRenderTempEmulationSchema = config$connection$tempEmulationSchema)

Loading cohort references from webapi

# Set up url
baseUrl <- config$webAPIurl
# list of cohort ids
cohortIds <- c(2241, 2240, 2239)

cohortDefinitionSet <- ROhdsiWebApi::exportCohortDefinitionSet(
  baseUrl = baseUrl,
  cohortIds = cohortIds,
  generateStats = TRUE

Generate cohorts

cohortTableNames <- CohortGenerator::getCohortTableNames(cohortTable = config$cohortTable$cohortTableName)

# Next create the tables on the database
  connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
  cohortTableNames = cohortTableNames,
  cohortDatabaseSchema = config$cohortTable$cohortDatabaseSchema,
  incremental = FALSE
#> Connecting using BigQuery driver
#> Creating cohort tables
#> - Created table atlas-development-270609.sandbox.javier_test_cohort_table
#> - Created table atlas-development-270609.sandbox.javier_test_cohort_table_inclusion
#> - Created table atlas-development-270609.sandbox.javier_test_cohort_table_inclusion_result
#> - Created table atlas-development-270609.sandbox.javier_test_cohort_table_inclusion_stats
#> - Created table atlas-development-270609.sandbox.javier_test_cohort_table_summary_stats
#> - Created table atlas-development-270609.sandbox.javier_test_cohort_table_censor_stats
#> Creating cohort tables took 33.22secs
# Generate the cohort set
  connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
  cdmDatabaseSchema = config$cdm$cdmDatabaseSchema,
  cohortDatabaseSchema = config$cohortTable$cohortDatabaseSchema,
  cohortTableNames = cohortTableNames,
  cohortDefinitionSet = cohortDefinitionSet,
  incremental = FALSE
# cohort couts
  connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
  cohortDatabaseSchema = config$cohortTable$cohortDatabaseSchema,
  cohortTable = config$cohortTable$cohortTableName
#> Connecting using BigQuery driver
#> Counting cohorts took 2.71 secs
#>   cohortId cohortEntries cohortSubjects
#> 1     2239          4198           4198
#> 2     2241           328            328
#> 3     2240           328            328

execute cohort diagnostics

exportFolder <- "export"
                   connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                   cohortTable = config$cohortTable$cohortTableName,
                   cohortDatabaseSchema = config$cohortTable$cohortDatabaseSchema,
                   cdmDatabaseSchema = config$cdm$cdmDatabaseSchema,
                   exportFolder = exportFolder,
                   databaseId = "MyCdm",
                   minCellCount = 5

visualise cohort diagnostics

CohortDiagnostics::createMergedResultsFile(exportFolder, sqliteDbPath = "MyCohortDiagnosticsResulst.sqlite", overwrite = TRUE)
CohortDiagnostics::launchDiagnosticsExplorer(sqliteDbPath = "MyCohortDiagnosticsResulst.sqlite")